Double-Check To Make Sure Your Judge Isn’t One Half Of A Power Couple
Judges that decline to inform parties of their conflicting interests, even potential ones, preclude litigants from making informed decisions.
Judges that decline to inform parties of their conflicting interests, even potential ones, preclude litigants from making informed decisions.
Will he manage? Probably not.
AI-Assisted Research serves as a force multiplier for legal professionals.
Maybe all those years of him not speaking on the court was just another form of him not reporting.
Spoiler: It doesn't, actually. Kind of a big deal.
That said, I'm sure her questions for the case would have been amazing but for her caring about impartiality.
That's... a LOT of cases.
How happiness, a positive workplace, and alignment with the right role can transform not just your own career, but also the success of your clients and firm.
* Donald Trump is pushing the boundaries of at-will employment. [Slate] * Get ready for the influx of litigation under Nixon v. Fitzgerald. [Law Fare] * Explosive allegations from Bill O’Reilly’s ex-wife's affidavit. [Jezebel] * I'm sure history won't judge Mitch McConnell harshly at all. [Talking Points Memo] * Does this Biglaw firm need re-branding? [Law and More] * Recusal just doesn't mean what it used to anymore. [Huffington Post] * Don't ask too many questions... [The Hill]
A misguided recusal motion leaves a bitter taste in Judge Robert Sweet's mouth.
Don't make this judge angry; you won't like him when's angry....
* Yay, Jeff Sessions has done the bare minimum necessary. [CNN]
* What does Jeff Sessions think the standard is for lying under oath? [Slate]
* Ho, ho, ho. This piece from 2007 by Neal Katyal about independent counsel regulations is particularly salient. [New York Times]
* No matter what this Iowa Republican tells you, Sizzler (yes, the restaurant) does not run a real university. [Salon]
* Florida's still cool with open carry law. Shocker. Correction: Florida Supreme Court upheld the BAN on open carry. I truly need more sleep, apologies. [Volokh Conspiracy]
* Shhhhhh. It's gonna be a secret law. [Huffington Post]
* Now the real question: who's next? [Law and More]
* The judge from the Casey Anthony case has some theories... [Jezebel]
While generative AI may feel like a hot new topic, the legal industry is no stranger to leveraging artificial intelligence.
When you're in a courtroom, you really, truly, have to listen to the judge.
The Supreme Court shines light on the justices' finances in the most opaque manner possible.
Judges don't hold themselves to the same standards of avoiding the "appearance of impropriety" that they would a fellow lawyer.
A judge has had just about enough of defense lawyers accusing him of bias.
Do you live in one of the 8 states that didn't get a failing grade? If so, don't get too excited... most of them got Ds.